Saturday, December 4, 2010

you know you're a regular when...

every time i enter starbucks, the woman at the cash register says something like "Ah, Шарлотта!  Что ты хочешь сегодня?" (Ah, Charlotte!  What do you want today?) or "Снова, Шарлотта?" ("again, Charlotte?"- usually on the second cup of coffee...).

i usually go because it's right next to the metro station closest to the school where i teach, and it's a nice, quiet place to get work done while spreading a $5 cappuccino over the course of three hours.  it's pretty much my 3-times-a-week splurge on myself (and a perfect respite from the -20 degree weather-with-windchill that we've been having).
oftentimes i see the ballerinas from the Bolshoi Academy taking breaks from their rigorous dance schedules to come by for a cup (the school is literally 2 blocks away), so it's a pretty interesting mix of people.

plus the coffee has actually been pretty good!  and that's key.
in the very thoughtfully, carefully chosen words of Natalia (Tamara's 7 year old daughter): "I guess coffee is's like being in a hot tub...but you don't get wet."  i love it.

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